Mestrado / Doutorado em Física


  1. "Scaling and universality in living systems", Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Hyman BT, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Makse HA, Peng CK, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR, Viswanathan GM, FRACTALS-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON THE COMPLEX GEOMETRY OF NATURE 4, 427 (1996).

  2. "440 nm light generation by frequency tripling in germanosilicate glasses", deAraujo MT, Vermelho MVD, Hickmann JM, GouveiaNeto AS, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 80, 4196 (1996).

  3. "Scaling behavior of diffusion limited annihilation reactions on random media", deAlbuquerque EL, Lyra ML, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 105, 5945 (1996).

  4. "Scaling and universality in animate and inanimate systems", Stanley HE, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Makse HA, Peng CK, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR, Viswanathan GM, PHYSICA A 231, 20 (1966).

  5. "Phase distribution and superstructures on the phase correlation of copropagating electromagnetic fields", DeMoura FABF, Lyra ML, JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 43, 1671 (1996).

  6. "Universal multifractal singularity spectrum of generalized purity measures", Lyra ML, FRACTALS-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON THE COMPLEX GEOMETRY OF NATURE 4, 49 (1996).

  7. "Levy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses", Viswanathan GM, Afanasyev V, Buldyrev SV, Murphy EJ, Prince PA, Stanley HE, NATURE 381, 413 (1996).

  8. "Weak signal pulse compression and amplification through stimulated Raman scattering and cross-phase modulation in optical fibers", deSouza RF, Fonseca EJS, Hickmann JM, GouveiaNeto AS, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 124, 79 (1996).

  9. "Scaling behavior of the localization length in random dimer harmonic chains with thermal correlations", Cressoni JC, Lyra ML, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 53, 5067 (1996).

  10. "Modulation instability of ultrashort pulses via a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation with deviating argument", Cavalcanti SB, Lyra ML, PHYSICS LETTERS A 211, 276 (1996).

  11. "Localization length scaling in binary harmonic chains with correlations controlled by thermal annealing", Cressoni JC, Lyra ML, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 8, L83 (1996).

  12. "Anomalous fluctuations in the dynamics of complex systems: From DNA and physiology to econophysics", Stanley HE, Afanasyev V, Amaral LAN, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL, Havlin S, Leschhorn H, Maass P, Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Prince PA, Salinger MA, Stanley MHR, Viswanathan GM, PHYSICA A 224, 302 (1996).

  13. "Multifractal entanglement of copropagating electromagnetic fields", Lyra ML, EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 33, 117 (1996).