Master / PhD in Physics


Welcome to the postgraduate course in Physics at the UFAL Physics Institute. The postgraduate program started in 1992, and over 300 professionals (Masters and PhDs) have graduated, many of whom are now employed in higher education institutions in Brazil and worldwide. In the recent CAPES evaluation, the program was awarded a grade of 5, certifying it as a well-established Postgraduate Program. The program comprises seven distinct Groups/Lines of Research. Those with backgrounds in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, or related fields interested in pursuing postgraduate studies at IF-UFAL can contact a faculty researcher or directly apply for the program admission process. The Regulations section contains all the necessary information to understand how the Postgraduate Program operates.

The Physics Postgraduation office is open for in-person visits from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Friday.


Application information

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