Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) for Foreigners

The Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) is the register maintained by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. Any natural person, regardless of age or nationality, can register once. Each registrant is uniquely identified by a CPF registration number of 11 decimal digits.

In the country of origin:

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), in partnership with the Federal Revenue Service (RFB), has introduced a new system for registering Brazilian citizens and foreigners living abroad for CPF directly at the Brazilian Consular Office. Therefore, foreign students approved to study at the Federal University of Alagoas must understand that their CPF is a crucial document for registering and enrolling at the university. It's necessary for various administrative processes.

To request registration with the CPF, the interested party must complete the following steps:

1) Access the Federal Revenue website.

- Choose your country of domicile, mark the "registration" field, and carefully fill out the electronic form with your personal information. Once you've completed the form, send it and print it. If printing is not possible, make sure to write down the protocol number generated by the website.

2) For foreigners residing abroad, look for the consular office responsible for the location of your jurisdiction ( and schedule the CPF request service through the e-consular system at the chosen consulate or embassy (

3) Present the printed form or the protocol number at the consulate of your country of origin, together with a copy of the following documents:

- When presenting the printed form or the protocol number at the consulate of your country of origin, it's crucial to include a copy of A document that unequivocally proves your identity and nationality, as well as your place of birth and date of birth. This could be your passport or national ID card.

- Document from the Electoral Court certifying the impossibility or non-existence of mandatory voter registration for citizens aged 18 to 70.

ATTENTION: if an attorney makes the request, the following must also be presented:

- Identification document of the attorney;

- Public power of attorney instrument or private instrument with notarized signature;

- Document from the attorney proving their registration with the CPF.

4) Upon receiving the necessary documents, the Consular Authority at the Brazilian Embassy in their country of origin will process the interested party's registration request and issue the CPF within a general period of up to one business day.

If the registration data needs to be corrected, the interested party may request rectification at the Brazilian Consular Office, free of charge, within 90 days. After this period, the request will no longer be considered a correction but rather a change that can only be carried out by the

In Brazil:

If a foreigner does not obtain a CPF in their country of origin, they can only enroll at the Federal University of Alagoas once they get the document in Brazil. To request registration in Alagoas State, the interested party must fill out this form, print the generated protocol, and take it to the Federal Revenue along with the passport.

The Federal Revenue Office in Maceió is located at Rua Sá e Albuquerque, 541 - Jaraguá, Maceió-AL.